Friday, March 23, 2012

Rest & Relax

Hello everybody !  How are you today?  
I hope you're fine and everything is going well.

Now that I remember that I've this blog, I'm eagerly want to post something today.  But... I'm don't have an interesting topic to discuss to.  Ermmm... lets see... how about we discuss about world things.. erk! (O_o) ho ho ho.... it's sooo not me.  What about... k-pop? It's a trend nowadays.. (-_-") no no no no no...dah basi.  Sport?  Totally noooo.  Ok lah... lets just merapu je hari ni? What say you? (^_^.)  good idea isn't it?..hehehe

Kids nowadays are brave don't you think?  This morning while listening to radio, there is a news about a young girls who's said to be kidnapped but is actually running from home just to have fun with her boyfriend.  Huh! Kidnapped by boyfriend...who is someone else husband.  What !  What a shame... (-_-")

At first I was worried and now.. I'm quite mad.  It's just a waste of time thinking about how cruel people are (it's waste of time thinking about the fake kidnapping especially.. (~_~)).  How the world are not in peace.. there are lots of kidnappers, killers, snachters and bla bla bla...  It's not that I'm don't want to think about those stuff.. It's because I'm afraid and worried just by thinking about it.  Huuuu.... tooo scaryyy..

Ok.  Other story.  This one is not fun to discuss to.

Other story? Next time ah.... bye for now.. (^o^)...


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